Hello church,

By now you know that there are no church services tomorrow, at least not at the church. We will be doing our first Facebook Live Worship Service. Here's what you need to know. This is a lot easier than I thought.

1.   A few minutes before 10am go to the church Facebook page. You can get there by either going to Facebook.com and searching for Clearfield Alliance Church or just click this link https://www.facebook.com/ClearfieldAllianceChurch You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see a red banner at the top that says “It’s All About Jesus”

2.  The service should simply show up on our Facebook page at 10am or thereabouts. Enjoy!

If you don't do Facebook or can't be at a computer at 10am, the service will be posted on our Facebook page and also on our church website which you can get to by clicking this link https://clearfield.apolloengine.com/

Once you are on our website click on “Sermons” and then click on Sermons Audio or Sermons Video depending whether you want to watch the whole service or simply listen to the sermon

If you have a smart phone, and you haven't downloaded the church app yet, you can get the Android version here  (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apolloengine.clearfield&hl=en_US or the iPhone version here https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/clearfield-alliance-church/id1149504998?l=nb).   

Please remember that just because the church can’t meet in our church building that we are still getting bills and issuing paychecks. It is our hope that you will continue to give tithes and offerings. And if you were here for my last sermon series you know that giving is a matter of honoring Jesus as Lord of all.

With that said you can give on our website or app (it’s easier then you think). You can also drop your offering off at the church during business hours or mail it in to 45 Alliance Road Clearfield, PA 16830. Either way, THANK YOU!

Right now Ed and I are planning to maintain our regular office hours. Ed is at church Monday through Thursday from 9am till 1pm. I am there Tuesday through Friday from about 10am till 4pm. You are welcome to stop by to talk, pray, drop off you offing or just say hi. Of course things could change so you might want to call first to make sure one of us is there.

Finally, for this email here are some of the ways to stay in touch

By the way, if you call my cell and I do not answer PLEASE leave me a message and I will get back to you. 

God bless you all. Sue and I are praying for you. The Elders are praying for you. You are loved.
HIS & Yours!
             Pastor Bob Goldenberg